PJ Rani
I’m about to be dethroned ‘Queen of PJs’ at office. Make way for PJ Rani and here’s what she had to say this week.
Office humour, working insights, observations from my different careers & workplaces, business & professional viewpoints
I get people asking me what I do for a living, all the time. After much debate (with I, me, myself and an annoying group known as ‘the rest of the world’) I have reached the following conclusion: I am a fire woman. And here’s why: I spend my day:…
So now that we have a fresh batch of recruits, we aren’t the new kids on the office block any more. NB is as purana as the canteen’s breakfast poha. SNC and SFOS have put on weight (and so have I!)….last year’s training photographs look like they’ve been shot in…
The last office workshop we attended was on ‘Stress management’. And on the neatly bulletted suggestions for relieving stress was the following idea…”Have your desk look clean and beautiful. Keep a stuffed toy or photograph on your table.” Ah…ours not to question why, but to do or die….——————————————————————————————————————Someone on the…
The office seems to be a permanent school of life in ‘Things you didn’t learn in b-school’. And some of those were lessons that sound familiar but I didn’t really understand them till I came to live them. During my management program, I worked on a lot of ‘team projects’…
Unveiling untold tales of office life! From morning mishaps to shared quirks, I explore the human side of my colleagues after a week of travelling with them.
Exploring with colleagues on a business trip – uncovering unique traits and commonalities. Join me beyond the office walls. #OfficeTrip #Colleagues
Position is everything, so said a wise man.I agree.It’s location, location, location. At my earlier office, I sat at the office space equivalent of a crossroad junction. My left elbow practically jutted out into the corridor (and jabbed unsuspecting souls who turned the corner!). The watercooler was across the corridor,…
Good job be damned.I don’t love it, I’m not passionate about it.I’m not passionate about anything.Bloody depressing realisation. The only trouble with having a male boss is that you can’t say “PMS” and expect any real sympathy . You can’t expect it from a female boss either, for that matter.Depressing…
SNC ‘accidently’ drops a photograph. We all coo over the chubby, grinning baby in the pic and then I look up and say “It doesn’t look like you at all!” Then we get into a discussion of how we looked as babies. NB: When I was a kid, I had…