Welcome To The Friendzone
The friendzone assumes that women owe men sex for nice behaviour. This mindset is part of rape culture, whose other manifestations are incels and acid attacks.
The friendzone assumes that women owe men sex for nice behaviour. This mindset is part of rape culture, whose other manifestations are incels and acid attacks.
This was one of the few classic poem style pieces that I actually wrote for stage. I wanted to explore the juxtaposition between the tangible and the emotional. And where better to do that than on stage, with my own body trying to emote things my mind created?
It isn’t intimacy unless it feels a little tender.
A house that is a warzone. A courtroom for custody battles. Dumping ground for other people’s pain. My body.
Feeling the tug between two places – one that feels like home and one that is dutifully home.
I have poems by old lovers,
not about me
not the loves,
not the poetry.
An ode to disappointing idols, to deified affections, to desecrated loyalties and lost gods.
Finding peace in the domestic, finding poetry in the mundane
I’ve been in so many conversations. I’ve come back overflowing with so much. Then someone says hello and they pass.
A political poem about India’s many gods