
Cartoons, observational comedy, situational humour and satire.

  Why Do Women Go To The Loo In Groups?
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Why Do Women Go To The Loo In Groups?

Like every good Mumbaiker, I would spend about an hour and half commuting to work each morning. Once I got in, I’d perch on my chair, waiting for my colleague to arrive. She’d walk in about 10 minutes later, switch on her computer, rearrange her desk and give me a…

Humour | Politics & Feminism | Relationships

The Male Patient: MachoMan/BigBaby

Francois Sagan did say, “I like men to behave like men. I like them strong and childish.” The proverbial honeymoon comes to an end (proverbial, I said. That means its metaphorical, people. I retain my ‘unmarried girl’ status). Life with Mr.Everyday means some rainy days among the sunshine. The wonderfuller-than-life…