Digital World

The internet and everything it has changed, wrecked, impacted, overthrown, empowered and otherwise touched in our lives. Online communities, self-publishing, blogging, social media, apps, gaming – how these transform who we are. Also my work in this field.

Digital World | Humour | Relationships | WorkSpace

‘Are You An Annoying Facebook Couple?’ – On

Remember when I pondered the question of ‘Are we ready to Facebook this’? The social network continues to twist itself around our lives (or is it the other way round?). This month, I look at ten of the most annoying things that couples do on Facebook. Admittedly, I’ve been guilty…

  E Squared: Edgy, Entertaining & Epistolary!
Books | Digital World | Humour | Pop Culture | Relationships | WorkSpace

E Squared: Edgy, Entertaining & Epistolary!

E Vestigio dropped in a fortnight ago to keep me company, to gup a bit and to cheer me up. She brought with her two books, my belated birthday gifts. Book recommendations from E are always interesting, given her diverse reading habits. Her gifts were ‘The Interpretation Of Murder‘ by…

  Quoted In Mid-Day FourSquare Story: Shraddha Jadhav Isn’t The Only Mayor
Digital World | Home & Identity | Map Of Emotion | Pop Culture | WorkSpace

Quoted In Mid-Day FourSquare Story: Shraddha Jadhav Isn’t The Only Mayor

Mid-Day has a story by Kasmin Fernandes on Foursquare today. Moksh and Daksh Juneja have both been quoted while I provide a counter-perspective on this social media game that’s rapidly gaining popularity. Here’s what I said: Virtual rewards aren’t for everyone If you don’t like being followed, though, location-based apps…