Body & Sex

Body image, Beauty perceptions & standards, Sex, Sexuality, Reproductive health, Physical fitness

Body & Sex | Poetry


So you’ve been held in passionate embracesBut never captivated by someone’s glanceYou’ve made love,But have you ever lost your sense of self, becoming one with another?So you have never been sullied by someone’s touch. You bear the unmarkedness of sweet innocenceVirginal in your soulNot burdened by other people’s attentionsCrystal clear and…

Body & Sex | Politics & Feminism

The Oldest Stereotype In The World

Cross-posted on IFSHA here. ~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~ What is the oldest stereotype in the world?The one every single human being on the planet is subjected to. Across countries, continents, cultures, religions and races. Its the first meaningful proclamation made to world about our existance. “Congratulations, you have a son!”or“Its a girl!” I’ll…

Body & Sex | Politics & Feminism | Relationships

Reviving Chivalry

He held the door open for me and stood aside.

“Hmm, chivalry, huh?”

I smiled.
He said,

“I thought you said that chivalry died with the 60s?”


I said,

“Chivalry dies with sex.”

Rude, rude, so very rude of me. But I felt I had to be flippant to cover up my embarrassment at not knowing how to behave in an archaic social ritual like that.