To Marry Or Not To Marry, That Is The Question
There’s a common notion that women are programmed to love the idea of marriage, thanks to the paraphernalia of weddings. But that isn’t why I don’t want to marry.
There’s a common notion that women are programmed to love the idea of marriage, thanks to the paraphernalia of weddings. But that isn’t why I don’t want to marry.
E Vestigio dropped in a fortnight ago to keep me company, to gup a bit and to cheer me up. She brought with her two books, my belated birthday gifts. Book recommendations from E are always interesting, given her diverse reading habits. Her gifts were ‘The Interpretation Of Murder‘ by…
Mum’s out of town again, which means that the kitchen is my free ground. I feel a little more confident this year than last year, since I’ve been experimenting with cooking. The kitchen doesn’t seem like scary, alien territory anymore. I’m actually cooking andaaze se instead of following the instructions…
Phil Collins tells me that, A friend’s mother imparts the following wisdom on men and marriage, “Don’t expect any kind of sense for about 3 years. After that they kind of settle down.” PATIENCE is a virtue, apparently a prized one for a woman. Me? I never met a man…
The day stretches on like chewing gum that’s lost its flavour a long time ago. Yet, you won’t spit it out.
Dressing for the day often begins with one thing – an item of apparel, a colour, a fabric or even an accessory. The rest of the look is built around that point. The newest addition to my closet is a handbag, a gift from the boy’s mum. As he gave…
The city of malls was once a city of mills. In my lifetime, I’ve seen the grey industrial belt metamorphose into the gaudiness of malls & pubs.
So gender jokes and misogynistic statements are now politically incorrect. But few people seem to have any qualms bitching about women drivers. These are usually accompanied by rolling of the eyes and a knowing nod (from the listener). I find it hard to believe that in this day and age…