Year: 2007



While PMS is no excuse for bad behavior, it is an experience that no woman is proud of. It isn’t funny to be at the mercy of chemicals that your own body produces and whose side-effects science has still been unable to find an adequate solution to. Quite alarming to…



Wet weather, and cold drops trickle down the back of my neck. And the roads are slippery. Still, I seek refuge. The nasty wet rain says to me, Oops, I missed a spot! in mock-sheepishness. And so you did!! I mock-retort back and supress a smile. There are places even…


City Of One

Friday evening and I was leaving work. Later than expected, about 3 hours later than I’d have wished. I got into the cab and paused for those brief seconds that are those rare occurances in a Mumbaiker’s day when he or she thinks of absolutely nothing. Then snapping back into…