The Sex & The City 2 Crash: A Feminist Hangover
I’m tempted to suspect that SATC 2 was secretly scripted by men and acted out by guys in reverse drag, all part of the anti-feminist movement.
I’m tempted to suspect that SATC 2 was secretly scripted by men and acted out by guys in reverse drag, all part of the anti-feminist movement.
If pop culture reflects the mood of the people, this generation is quite high on an oestrogen-and-botox laced cocktail. SATCmania is a phenomenon. I know I said I didn’t like the book much. The first movie was quite bad. Even the TV series that spawned the wave of hysteria petered out…
I hate it when writers pull stunts like that, making a book sound like something else in its title. I only bought it because the blurb described it as the male ‘Sex And The City’.
I am part of that mob called the Old Girls’ Club. And when it out-numbers the rest, it’s all about loyalty to the tribe.
An Ex has an uncanny way of showing up when you’re least prepared. Often with a new human appendage designed to hit you worse. It’s Diabolus Ex Machina.
So we are a city of metrosexual men? Hmm. I guess I should revise my preferences. Let it never be said that I’m not fair. So welcome, men, to the joys of beautification! That said, let me extend the olive branch to my insofar suffering male counterparts and attempt to…
Long time it’s been since I wanted to say I hate you. It’s a violent, mad-bad, insane feeling. And it’s good. The capacity to hate stems from the capacity to love. You don’t always wake up in the most pleasant way possible….more often than not, being jolted awake, startled… having…
I had a solo date. I ran some errands, bought a few books, had a meal and many personal revelations at the Subway sandwich counter.
My latest obsession is Sex and the City. For the past few days I’ve been wrapped up in the love lives of Carrie, Samatha, Miranda and Charlotte, dazzled by the wardrobes and their lifestyles, amused by their incessant man-izing (!) and thoughtful over the dilemmas they face. Okay, I know…