


Wet weather, and cold drops trickle down the back of my neck. And the roads are slippery. Still, I seek refuge. The nasty wet rain says to me, Oops, I missed a spot! in mock-sheepishness. And so you did!! I mock-retort back and supress a smile. There are places even…

  Tropical Sky

Tropical Sky

I know this is a slight bit late but what’s a week in a season of three months? My last impression of summer…doesn’t this look like one of those colourful photographs you see in Readers’ Digest about exotic Asian countries? Umm..of course we’re exotic and Asian as well. But I’m…


Weird Weather Day

It rained this morning. In Mumbai it only rains between June and September. Deadening, depressing, gloomy rain. But today was a cloudy, cloudy day when I left home. Dark clouds blotting out the over-hot sun that turns a Mumbai morning from morning-sun-pleasant to god-its-hot HOT. Dark clouds are supposed to…