
  Juhu Beach

Juhu Beach

Last evening I was overcome by an urge to eat chana masala, the buttery over-spicy type, all covered with raw mango chunks and unidentified (but delicious) stuff on top. The Juhu beach variety. And while at it, bring on a naariyalpaani as well. Why not I asked myself (and oh…


Dipping My Toes

On Facebook while I wait for E Vestigio to turn up for our Sunday evening catch-up/gripe/giggle dinner-date. Clearing out pending messages, updated status (blah, I’m running out of exciting things to claim I’m doing) and even looked into Twitter. And now this idle mind turns to mischief. So I use…

  Romantic Setting

Romantic Setting

It’s a filthy city, no doubt, strewn with plastic waste. But when you have someone real to walk with you, even a walk through a plastic world can seem romantic. Apparantly romance has nothing to do with beautiful places and comfortable surroundings. Who says Mumbai is not romantic? This is…