I once painted this on a kurta for him. It wasn’t the first I’d done for him, nor the last either. But it was probably the best.

The first one was given to me after much deliberation and then again, a new off-the-roadside kurta that was bought for the occasion. He loved the black single-stroke line-drawing Buddha I etched out on the white textured cloth. And that one was worn long after the cloth had gone ‘unwearable’.
There was also a colourful Ganapathi that I remember. Which he received without much comment. Until he got back from home-vacation with the message that
Mum said it should have been painted on the back.
Nothing of the Durga though. Goddess of his land. Goddess of my spirit. I think of him when I see this particular picture. And I wonder what did happen to the kurta I painted….since it received no comment from him (but a mark of appreciation from a common friend who saw it on him in class and recognized my style). Relegated to the bottom of a cupboard most likely. Yet another object untreasured in its lifetime of use, but elevated to useless sentiment later.
But he never really understood Durga, did he? In spirit or in me. I never painted for anyone else after that.
Painted ever since then?
@Eka: Yes (though only for myself). The recent ones show up on the series called Ideart.
@ Rambler: Her Royal Smithness permits it!
@ Pragni: I wish you would too. It isn’t easy and I’ll stand up and applaud when you do it. But you know something…when you actually do that, you won’t need anyone else’s approval. Go forth and crown yourself queen!!!
More power to you.. I think it will take me some more time before I will actually be able to make the stuff I used to.. I have convinced myself as of now that it’s very childish.. the stuff I used to make.. and I know what you are thinking when I say that, but…. wish I could look beyond a few things..
Smithy didnt know begging would help wow, can we try too??
@ Vi, Rambler, Broom: I thought so as well. But tastes differ and so do sentiments.
@ Broom:
I need your address for that…oh and some ‘pretty-please’ begging would help!
@ Pragni: I still paint for myself. I figured the jerk didn’t matter enough to let me stifle my own gifts. How about that?
I once made a hand bracelet out of wood and wool, with his name etched on it, and my initial somewhere lost in the fabric..
It finished even before I could give it to him.. and even after, when I did offer it, he did not take it. He asked me to keep it to remember him, and he never understood the fabric, the making of that either. Never understood that I was lost in it anyway, it was for him, to keep and treasure.
I never made bracelets again too..
I would treasure something like this. anything like this. it’s gorgeous. feel free to send me one as a belated birthday gift.

anybody would love such a personalized gift…I am sure he would treasure it too
I would have loved something like that.