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  1. @ Kiran: As you can see, I didn’t. Sometimes we are serious. :mrgreen:

    @ Ashish: Awp. That doesn’t sit well with the more spiritual sorts.

    @ Sumit: Ah, the twists and turns of this indifference! 😉

    @ Extempore: I don’t think there is. And welcome to the Idea-smithy!

    @ rambler, Rada: I think both of you have hit the nail on the head..with different hammers (if that makes any sense!) Great comments, both of you and thanks for sharing those thoughts!

  2. I am trying to put into words, a rather obsure concept. So forgive me if this comes out rather fragmented..

    Forgiveness is a kind of unconditional acceptance as you have suggested, certainly.

    But forgiving a person can also give rise to feelngs of self-importance.
    “See what a noble person I am, I have forgiven him!”.

    It is a very subtle form of ego.

    Here is where forgetting beomes important. You sublimate your ego
    by even forgetting the act of forgiving!

    Do I make any sense! 😳

    Probably not!


    Rada’s last blog post..The Dance of Shiva

  3. Keep going down this path and you are on your way to fully
    understanding what indifference is all about. Here’s something to whet your
    appetite. Are you projecting your indifference or are you applying it to
    yourself? There’s a lot more down that road…

  4. You would come up with a post tomorrow –

    ‘April fool you fellas! Forgive or Forget – both are the same, muahahahhah!!’ 😈

    To the risk of sounding poignant…think abt this –

    ‘Give and Forgive’, ‘Get and Forget’ – do you see something in those phrases? ❗