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  1. Ramya, the one I met was “totally different” from the girl who writes here. Well, now I know why. You rock babe! Loved your blog and loved your emotions. :* 🙂

  2. Love for a woman who want to get married is this.you meet talk for hours.there is minimal conflict.understanding with just a nod.the guy says I want to marry you.you don’t need to think twice or need to take it slow.the guy defends his decision against all nay Sayers yours and his folks.

  3. For someone who saw this relationship by your tweets.a few things I felt gave the signs.a)there were never pics of him or of both of you together b)he was always referred to as ‘the boy’. From a past experience where my ex would never invite me home.it felt like the girl had a feeling this would never last .

    The engagement news bought cheer and everyone was super happy for you. The guy at the end did not seem to care who took what.that was the sign for an onlooker.the guy never seemed in a hurry .and some major fight and pressure on him to make up his mind just made him go cold and disinterested.

    1. @Xxfan: Well observed. When I first began dating him, I was unsure about how much to talk about and how much not to. Up until that time I had been anonymous and only writing about myself. But by the time I met him, I wasn’t anonymous and it didn’t seem right to speak about personal things about another person. He and I had a conversation before deciding to write the things I did and refer to him by that phrase ‘the boy’. Neither of us hid the relationship in our daily life or from our families.

      Yes, he did not appear to care who took what. But also, the objects that were deeply precious to him, he knew I would not ask for (he cared more for them than he ever did for me). And finally, yes, I have no idea what made him go ‘cold and disinterested’ as you put it, throw me out of the home we built and break the engagement without so much as an explanation. I did not see it coming.