
Office humour, working insights, observations from my different careers & workplaces, business & professional viewpoints

  Quoted In HT Cafe: ‘A Shot In The Dark: Why Artistes Love To Perform With The Lights Out’

Quoted In HT Cafe: ‘A Shot In The Dark: Why Artistes Love To Perform With The Lights Out’

HT Cafe carried a story by Sapna Mathur on darkroom performances in Mumbai. I was quoted for my spoken word poetry. They were also nice enough to include a video of my collaboration with Karthik (performed in the light, so you can see) of the same act we did during the darkroom event – Lullaby.

  The New Indians: 30-Something Ex-Somethings
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The New Indians: 30-Something Ex-Somethings

There is a new breed of people out there and they are a helluva lot better to be around than the others. They are the 30-something war veterans of relationships. They are divorcees. They’ve lived in without marriage and borne the backlash from family, landlords, friends and service people. They’ve…

  How Bloggers/ Tweeters Get Exploited By Agencies & Companies

How Bloggers/ Tweeters Get Exploited By Agencies & Companies

A Week Of Exploitation A few years ago, a certain Bangalore-based PR company organised a week-long social media conference. My business entered an arrangement with them and we were listed among their partners. After several conversations and some work, we were suddenly dropped from the listing, without even the courtesy…