When Good Boundaries Reframe Your Stories
What you say and how you say it, affects other people. Being sensitive to this can be empowering.
Navigating Family, Friendship, Marriage, Colleagues, Companions & other social connections
What you say and how you say it, affects other people. Being sensitive to this can be empowering.
My journey through Valentine’s Days is full of bloody warfare, dangerous laughter, cold money and seething rage. What was it like today?
Why does heartbreak decimate self esteem? Where does shame sit in this pain? Can we heal from it instead of escaping its lessons?
A gratitude note to someone from my past: The strongest of us may need someone to remind us that we also need beauty, love & harmony to make survival a life.
An unexpected reunion made me have to think about people and the wounds we inflict on each other.
We are all angry. Seething and out for blood. Where do we go from here? The pandemic has been the arsenic cherry on the difficult lessons of a decade.
There is an interesting thing about memory foam. It yields to your touch & pressure. Not fast, not reacting. More like an indulgence, a consideration. Later it pauses with the impression you’ve left on it, as if ruminating. Just as meditatively it returns to its original self.
It isn’t intimacy unless it feels a little tender.
A lovely return to my late 20s where books absorbed me with a rigour I did not experience in my social or professional life. It was like coming home.
The second dark COVID of my soul is here except it doesn’t feel quite as dark. I feel stupid and it is peaceful.