Digital World

The internet and everything it has changed, wrecked, impacted, overthrown, empowered and otherwise touched in our lives. Online communities, self-publishing, blogging, social media, apps, gaming – how these transform who we are. Also my work in this field.

  Quora: A User-Generated Content platform that doesn’t value its users
Digital World | WorkSpace

Quora: A User-Generated Content platform that doesn’t value its users

I wrote earlier about running into issues with Quora because my username did not conform to their policies. This is the same thing that happened with Google Plus. In that case as with this one, I changed my name to ‘Ramya Ideasmith’ and it still didn’t get accepted. I find…

Digital World

What do you think of Quora’s new blogging feature (without the Q-and-A format restriction)?

It’s obvious that Quora’s trying to reach a wider audience by giving people a chance to blog. However doing away with the Q-and-A format seems to be a bad move since it dilutes the Quora brand. Why not a blog entirely in a Q-and-A format? The format does make it…

  So that’s what a guy’s version of Pinterest looks like
Digital World | Pop Culture

So that’s what a guy’s version of Pinterest looks like

Really? I’d barely have known. Fashion, funnies, pretty women. I didn’t bother checking off the ‘Food’ category which is why I presume, there aren’t any pretentious desserts, close-ups of chocolate rings or fancy-shmancy cupcakes around. Men don’t see the world that much differently. Dudepins ‘Online Pin board for Men’ says…