Body & Sex

Body image, Beauty perceptions & standards, Sex, Sexuality, Reproductive health, Physical fitness

Body & Sex | City | Politics & Feminism


I saw this girl on a train. I couldn’t see anything of her, shrouded as she was in her traditional garb. But her hands caught my attention…they were so enticing. This then, is my ode to a stranger’s sensuality. ~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~ To touch and feelHold..clasp….grab….clutchand smoothen Not for me, however.Sheathed and…

Body & Sex | Relationships


Sometimes we are on the same train. I have a ‘subject-to-last-minute-change’ schedule. Maybe so does she. Is she a student? Or a working professional? She dresses like a teenager would, if she had the acquired sense of style that someone at least a decade older would have. Her face is…