Dissociation On A Train To Dadar
I took a train journey after over 5 years. It simultaneously felt like a new experience & an old pleasant ache that showed up. Is this what dissociation is?
Body image, Beauty perceptions & standards, Sex, Sexuality, Reproductive health, Physical fitness
I took a train journey after over 5 years. It simultaneously felt like a new experience & an old pleasant ache that showed up. Is this what dissociation is?
A medical appointment brings up insights about vulnerability, age, class and socializing. And this is before I even go through the door.
When the world doesn’t make sense, a dream shows me the truth. I had one last night that brought me resolution from the pain of many decades.
She did what she thought was right. And so did she. So did I. So did they. It all still went wrong. Who can tell us why?
I created this piece for an UnErase Against Drugs event. I wanted to go beyond the PSA-style message and tell a story. What’s your poison?
The 1985 Tamil film ‘Sindhu-Bhairavi’ under a feminist lens shows a nuanced male storyteller gaze and some strong woman tropes. Does that make it feminist?
I come from musical history. I trained in vocals & an instrument. I’ve won prizes, performed concerts. But music is not my identity.
The friendzone assumes that women owe men sex for nice behaviour. This mindset is part of rape culture, whose other manifestations are incels and acid attacks.
Our value as human beings is determined by our use. What happens to the things that make us human in this capitalist world? Mental health suffers.
A gratitude note to someone from my past: The strongest of us may need someone to remind us that we also need beauty, love & harmony to make survival a life.