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  1. You are light, I am the lightness….
    You guys have met!!?!’

    Who are the three dogs in the background?

  2. well,this is a different you…it’s like sheathing one layer after another of the Ideasmithy!

  3. Step out, and away
    Drift up, and afar
    Fade out, go astray
    Yet the light remains
    A black hole for lightness

    Have a good year, Smithy..

  4. Hey Idea

    have been reading your super work but have been equally super lazy (and also time bound) to comment. but how could i not wish you on B’day!!Oink!! but where has the post gone?

    Anyway, hope you have a wonderful B’day! and i really liked the post too.

  5. Hey….IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY????? Happy Birthday!!! How does it feel to be thirty? – Am I repeating here? 😉

    Wish you the best….and the dosas were awesome.