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  1. Hi, I’ve just come across your blog and find it really interesting (enjoyed this post by the way!)

    Will definitely be back to visit again!

    Take care
    Sheetal (South Africa)

  2. @ Iyer: The recessive gene keeps showing through. 😀 Its a kolam, not a rangoli!

    @ Sensorcaine: 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

    @ Menagerie: I’m not sure if blogger allows it. WordPress gives you the option with every single post.

    @ Grey Shades: Heehee…I agree, I’m a morning person too.

    @ Sakshi: What mail? Plizz to send again to just_astatistic@yahoo.com

  3. Oh dont ya worry abt the 24-hr timing! I drive my mom crazy by setting every digital clock in the house on 24-hr time! The warm sun can be quite an uplifter actually! Nothing like the blazing beams to shoo the blues outta you! Nice post lady…

  4. Gooood going! Now that Monday is done, Friday will be just around the corner 🙂

    Hmm, can you educate me on how to password protect posts? Pretty please !!

  5. that looks like one monday well spent… just like friday or saturday…

    and i remember your tuesday fears also begin with shut lifts or something like that no?

    and finally… why have you categorized this under 55 word? torturous tuesday taking its effects haan?