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  1. @ Sumanth: Well-deserved I’d think, considering a lot of local artisans don’t get compensated enough for their talent, while the middle-men make all the moolah in their air-conditioned gift shops!

  2. They’re quick, much faster than you’d imagine. And they’ll do demonstrations on demand, then put a hefty price tag on the little doodle before you can blink!

    But such beautiful pictures!

  3. @ Salvador Dali: Tsk, tsk…you boys!

    @ infinity: That’s profound. And a good comment-thought to this post. Thenk yew! 🙂

    @ greekalphabet: As do you, my dear…. 🙂

    @ Chrissy: Thank you!

    @ Sumanth: I am not familiar with Rajasthani minatures but I imagine it must have been a wonderful experience to actually watch the artist at work?

  4. I do, indeed. There are some great artists in Udaipur who do miniatures in the Rajasthani style. I found a couple who use old manuscript paper for their paintings. It’s an incredible effect, the yellow paper, greying old ink, bright blues and yellows and maharajas on elephants and horses…

  5. hmmm…interesting…but i’d like to say that no window or balcony will show you anything that is not already inside you…that’s where each of us needs to look more than anywhere else…

  6. @ Vi: I can only imagine what those look like. But my favorite painting is ‘The Blue Cart’ by Van Gogh. Have you seen it? And…the extra inches come in very handy so no…! 😀

    @ Rambler: I guess I’m looking for a taller person too just as I’m looking for a bigger window.

    @ Apoorva: Nooo…then I have no way of knowing how many people are reading my blog!

    @ Sumanth: That’s an interesting thought. Smaller frames give you an eye for detail. I imagine you love Mughal miniatures?

  7. I love windows. They’re like a snapshot-view of the world, rather than the panorama of a balcony. Panoramic views give you a spread, but the window is where you find the details that make life truly interesting – the peeping-dog sticker on a hatchback car, the garish colours on the beggar’s shirt, how the rich woman’s top has a pattern that must have come from her poodle’s behind…

  8. “At 14 my eyeline crossed the top of mom’s head, at 16 I could look into the eyes of every guy I knew and look down to most of them. I”
    how about now?, more importantly how do you want it to be?

  9. 1) When I see myself looking out of windows, towering buildings would be the last thing I hope to see. Wide open fields, please.
    2) “But I guess I’m just looking up to a bigger window that I can’t reach just yet.” Very aptly put.
    3) Feel like giving me a bit of those inches? At barely 5’3, I’m forever looking up at people.