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  1. @ Rambler: Because of mounting pressures at the workplace, the need for someone to relate to, to provide a comforting shoulder, someone to bond with…is higher. Because there are more women at the workplace, there’s greater possibility for inter-sex relationships. And yes, I do think that human beings are inclined to find more comfort in the opposite sex though same-sex bonding does have its virtues.

  2. well the point you bring out is interesting, why do you think that with mounting pressures and women at more workplaces the trend is increasing?, I guess with lesser woman earlier, the work pressures were high too, are you suggesting that woman and more work pressures, they are being more vulnerable?. or do you think us humans are more inclined to find comfort when opposite sexe is involved, [both men and women]

  3. @ Rada: Thengyu, thengyu!! 🙂

    @ Rambler: It is certainly nothing more than a new term but perhaps one that is gaining more relevance now, given that women have entered more workplaces and pressures at work are generally higher across.

  4. I would really love to read how would one define spouse in general, would that definition differ across the gender. I somehow have a feeling that “office spouse” is a new age term used for work friendships..in fact there are so many office relationships if we want to term them, like haven’t we seen a office “bro” who kind of foresees our progress, a office “sister” and so on?…

  5. You are right. Office life can become an arid desert without the help of colleagues whom you can rant and rave with!

    Nice, interesting post. Eminently readable. 🙂