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  1. Who says fashion is limited only till raunchy models on flashing ramps 😉
    And yes Mumbai remains a vibrant expression of everyman’s splendor, of lively flings, of whimsical imbalances…yet so settling – like when you happen to gaze at the night skyline light streaks – out up on the Marine Drive…Isn’t it?


    As last blog post..Seven WEIRDiest Things About…Me.

  2. @ rossoneri: Ah well, each to his (or her own). You might notice the owner of those toes has paid a visit and I’m sure she wouldn’t feel very nice about being labelled such. Personally I quite liked the shoes which is why I took the picture. But you’re entitled to your opinion and I only hope she sees it that way. Thanks for the comment!

    @ Precious: Plastic bag it was but yes, you’re right! 🙂

    @ Bee: I think the ribbon was attached to the sandals. Totally cool…the colour and the design!

  3. So is the ribbon attached to the peep-toes, or did she just tie it around for fashion? I think they look kinda cool – I myself made an impulsive orange buy recently

  4. The expression is because they look so gaudily out of place and btw its not a bad thing.

  5. @ Cynic: I trip even when I’m barefoot!! Anjani seemed to have no such problems, however!

    @ rossoneri: They most certainly did not. Audacious for sure, but why’s that a bad thing?