The ‘We’ Relationship – Best Couple Friends
There’s a couple we have gotten close to. I never thought of double-dating as more than four people socializing. But it turns out to be different.
There’s a couple we have gotten close to. I never thought of double-dating as more than four people socializing. But it turns out to be different.
It is a fact that the social environment is very different today than the one in which my parents met and started their relationship. Neither mum nor dad really have independent friend circles, let alone know too many single people of their generation. I belong to several social circuits that…
You cannot ally with someone who does not believe in alliance.You cannot love people who don’t think they deserve love.You cannot live on somebody else’s island of grief. It certainly is a solitary place, the land of tears. And there’s no following a person who has made it their permanent…
55 words: The past is a tricky creature. It never quite stays in its place, does it? It defines the path we take. It makes us who we are.
Last month, I was refreshing my make-up, when I stopped dead in my tracks. In that innocuous little plastic holder above the washbasin, there was a third toothbrush.
I actually wrote this post five months ago. I feel more confident about bringing this out so here it is for your reading pleasure!
I’m in a relationship.
Another Ideart opportunity and my marketing mind tells me this should be called co-branding. At the Mood Indigo-BlogCamp Dec 2010 that happened over the weekend, I had a chance to showcase one of my works. I first met Meetu at a common friend’s party. A few months later, we…
Like every good Mumbaiker, I would spend about an hour and half commuting to work each morning. Once I got in, I’d perch on my chair, waiting for my colleague to arrive. She’d walk in about 10 minutes later, switch on her computer, rearrange her desk and give me a…
A case of Emderatology: Close to midnight on Saturday, the coffee server on duty reported two dead people in the shop.
A body that works without medication. Food in my stomach even before I’m hungry. The safety to walk on the roads by myself. Life.