#IdeaStory: Sea of Words
I’m drowning in a sea of words, she saysYou don’t want to be rescued, he observesSo she asks if they can write a story together.
I’m drowning in a sea of words, she saysYou don’t want to be rescued, he observesSo she asks if they can write a story together.
Her laughterexplodedinto a thousand piecesthat went skippingover his wonder. One stuckdeep in his heartand bled when she left.
Life with youis like being on a merry-go-round, she says.But, he asks, did you see the view?Yes, she says, on our next upswing.
You learnt to float, she yells,ducking under him smoothly.When she surfaces,he’s walking on the water.Away.
On 26 Nov’08, a young man walked into a train station and changed the lives of millions of people forever. I am one of those people, because I am a Mumbaiker.
I wrote this in February when red, dancing and unexpected affections seemed all around.
Now here’s a story based on a little something that happened in real life. I once worked at an office where the printer was named for the employee who was seated closest to it. It created some mirthful situations. This however, is fiction. For today’s A to Z Challenge, I…
Let me be the mole on your chin, he says,One you touch when you’re thinking, unthinking. I’m a plastic Barbie, she says,PERFECT. *If you like this you might want to check out my photostory collection or my Instagram stream.
A game changer is a person or idea that transforms the accepted rules, processes, strategies and management of business functions.
“I like this”, she says, “I like us.”“We are a comfortable close.” And she smiles at the picture on her screen one last time before switching it off.