Smooth Traffic & Funny Mails: Thank You, Mr.Thackeray
Raj Thackeray was arrested yesterday. Ho hum, so what else is new?
I woke up to the news channels airing footage shot hours ago, of the MNS chief being escorted into the police van at Ratnagiri and a few fancy-looking maps showing blinking dots in the areas of Borivili, Andheri, Dadar and Worli.
Violence has erupted in parts of the city.
…the TV anchor informed me over my breakfast. And..
MNS workers have been protesting the arrest. This comes in the light of the weekend attack on the railway examination centers to protest under-representation of Maharashtrians in the test.
I was still yawning, glued to the television as I was. And then I snapped the set shut, got ready and left for work.
The roads were not empty. They were the way a civilised, metropolitan city’s roads should be. Vehicles running at least 2 feet from each other in parallel lanes, a few stray pedestrians crossing only during the traffic signals, short signal wait-times, no undue honking. My normal 45-minute commute took all of 20 minutes. Thank you Mr.Thackeray for giving us one day of normal commuting.
People came into work. But of course. No, I’m not going to go on about the resilient spirit of Mumbaikers, our courage, our bravery etc. I’m no braver than the next person. All I am, is practical. Between floods, riots, bandhs, public transport strikes, communal clashes, infrastructure breakdowns and politico arrests, I have a job to do. And every day brings a new reason to not go to work. Yet, we do. That’s not courage, it’s just acceptance of the way things are.
From the last time this happened, I figured the media was just creating a hullaballoo as usual. No one who goes out in this city everyday really believes the news channels anymore (and certainly not a certain Dilli-based channel which thinks that Mumbai starts and ends at Churchgate and that Tardeo and Juhu are far-flung railway stations). Sure enough, come evening and I had a smooth commute back home as well. No, I did not spot any blood on the streets, no slapped-around taxi drivers, I did not get pelted with stones and the city seemed no scarder than usual.
If anything, the highlights of the day were how people chose to deal with the chaos. My Little Lord received the following email from HR:
Dear All
Due Unstable environment with regards to Raj Thackeray arrest, management has decided that all associates can leave by 4.00pm.
With Warm Regards,
HR ManagerTue, Oct 21, 2008 at 4:11 PM
My colleagues were far more prompt and shot off the following (very convincing) mail:
There is a slight issue here at the Mumbai office. Due to some political issues there is absolute civil unrest and the city is at the brink of riots breaking out. The team will need to rush home. Im not sure if we’d be able to make it to the call today.
* So I’m jaded and cynical. Go read the full story here.
ROTFL!Don’t worry . . .if he does he will be busy driving out the north Indians, especially the biharis, so I don’t think he will notice
@ Cynic: Life as always, Mumbai on the run.
@ dinu, Nirav: Politicians, politicians. Like R.K.Laxman’s Common Man, we stay mute spectators.
@ Pragni: Because here fear moves people, not common sense.
@ Anon Y.Mouse: Fair enough, I was recounting my observations only. I did hear that there was trouble in some parts of the city and I’m sorry that they happened to your friends.
@ govind: And here’s to the end of the blog. Unfortunately I don’t own a Marathi keyboard.
Raj thackeray is one totally crazy dude!Then again knowing our ‘enlightened’ voters, he just mite come into power!lol
govinds last blog post..GOD SAVE THE MALLU
I know of two people who had eventful commutes to work – one in the heart of the city, and another in a far-flung (for you, at any rate!) north-eastern suburb. They made it to work, too, but with burning buses and autos that were attacked while they looked on.
The media does blow things out of proportion, yes – but I wonder what happened to that rickshaw-driver, and what happens to him if he was the vehicle’s owner.
your blog deleted my first attempt at the comment
“Lol. No BS about resilience and courage and all that.. It all boils down to practicality and need.
*That* commute took you just 20 minutes? Seriously? now that’s a feat unheard of..
What I am wondering about is, if Mumbai can become a civilized metropolitan city at times like these, because of a simple statement issued which asked people to avoid using private cars today, why not do it more often and make it a habit. If not for a healthy environment then just for the simple reason that it makes for a more easy and comfortable existence.
But I guess its too much to ask for..
Pragnis last blog post..A quick unfinished story
Unfortunately, bugger’s been released
So no more smooth traffic – I had a great time on the roads yesterday and today morning… seemed like I was going to office on a Sunday
Niravs last blog post..From Bettor to Worse?
come on, this was expected , right ? he even publicly challenged the govt, so everything was expected, but was not stopped .. does that ring any bell ?
I would say, he wanted to get arrested, to prove himself the best **** son of thackery !!
dinus last blog post..How to Start a Self Hosted WordPress Blog, The Guide
hows the place looking today?
A Cynic in Wonderlands last blog post..Bombay Diaries – 2: The secret diary of Cynic in Wonderland Aged 13 1/4th