Books | Pop Culture | Relationships

The Other Side Of The Table: Madhumita Mukherjee – A Saga in Letters

The Other Side Of The Table by Madhumita MukherjeeMy rating: 5 of 5 stars If you’ve ever been a letter-writer, you will love this book. The story is told entirely through letters between two people.  Letter-writing isn’t just a lot art, it’s a lost form of conversations. Time is the punctuation…

Books | Map Of Emotion | Relationships

A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary For Lovers: Xiaolu Guo – Original, Poetic & Romantic

A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers by Xiaolu GuoMy rating: 4 of 5 stars First, there’s the name. This is not an actual dictionary. Though each chapter does begin with the definition of a word and explores the concept in some manner through it. The title is very clever, very…

Digital World

What do you think of Quora’s new blogging feature (without the Q-and-A format restriction)?

It’s obvious that Quora’s trying to reach a wider audience by giving people a chance to blog. However doing away with the Q-and-A format seems to be a bad move since it dilutes the Quora brand. Why not a blog entirely in a Q-and-A format? The format does make it…