Rosie Riveter feminist woman cleaner fist

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  1. The talk od micro mini skirt sent me to a depression mode- i cant imagine getting into one- am too conscious of my thunder thighs……mummmmmmyyyyyy….Idea give me an Idea….to slim down…pllllzzzzzzz

  2. @ Melody: Errrm…none of those were in my discard pile. But send me the ‘addy’ anyway…something new’s infinitely preferable over second-hand stuff, isn’t it?

  3. Since you asked, will take the:

    * Too many clothes
    * A stash of shawls that never get used – could possibly use in Oz, winter’s coming
    * A micro-mini skirt that I have neither a matching pair of shorts for, nor the guts to wear by themselves – I have the guts, yipee!! (don’t know about the legs though)
    * Several skirts…more than trousers, actually (!) And I always thought I was a leggings-sort of gal.
    * An office wardrobe that looks more like stuff you’d wear to a picnic, a movie, a party or bed.
    * An office wardrobe with the mandatory grey, blue, white stuff..that just hasn’t been used in a long time.
    * A summer wardrobe big enough that I don’t need to do any shopping.
    * A pink umbrella (!) – I love pink 🙂
    * Stockings, a beret, a hat, a sash and several scarves I don’t remember buying but have seen in the past three spring-cleaning attempts.
    * A pajama set I’ve never used, my college tee-shirt, a slinky lingerie set I remember buying and forgetting about.
    * A tube of sunscreen gel…imagine that!
    * Two extra tubes of each of my favorite liquid lipcolour shades. In original packing, including the plastic seal around. – one can never have enough liquid lipcolor!!
    * A bowl full of lipsticks of different brands in varying shades of Dusty Rose, Warm Toast, Cinnamon Kiss (translation for men: pinkish-brown) – – one can also never have enough lipsticks.
    * One shelf full of bags, none really appropriate for whatever situation I’m going to find myself in..but all have-to-haves! – can be quite a pain to store these, but how can one can get out of the house without an appropriate bag??