Custody Battle

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  1. *shudder*
    methinx we must’ve dated d same people 😛

    [v late, pliss miss, sorry miss!]

  2. @ Pack of atoms: If some people I’ve dated are to believed….marriage might be an even more fitting punishment than murder! 😀

  3. Or, (since you’re no stranger to proposals from women:P) you could marry me? 😉

  4. @ St: 🙂

    @ Pack of atoms: Ah, now that you know, I’ll have to kill you. 😉 Thanks for speaking up….it is always good to actually talk to people who read you.

  5. Uncanny…are you by any chance a member of the Thought Police? 😉

    [a first time commenter n regular reader]

  6. @ Manuscrypts: ‘Sweet Home Alabama’.

    @ Masquerader: 🙂 Thank you. I’m really enjoying my freedom right now. I’ll treasure the comment for posterity, though.

    @ Because of B: Is it? Has it happened to you too?

    @ Brad: Ah, so she does exist? When are you going to tell us about her?

    @ Melody: That’s the story I was remembering. Didn’t want to write it all out in this post, though.

    @ St: :-p I ddin’t know the critters had roots too!

    @ J.A.P. – Old man? Teddy-bear! Sorry about the template….it reflects my mood – jumpy and restless till…uh, well, till I settle down.

  7. Too deep for me, ma’m. I should stick to samosettes. And grape juice.
    (You, your ‘proposer’ and the other small lady owe two men an Evening with an Amnesty.)

    Your template’s jumping. Very … disorienting? … for an old man.


  8. I remember the story that Melody makes a mention of in here. 7th standard, I think. After reading that story, I also remember telling my friend – “I don’t think my mom is the most beautiful woman in the world. But I don’t think I love her any less.” I went on to say that the lesson was a wee bit misleading.

    It’s funny that I still remember those lines.

  9. The last one puts a few things into the right perspective and helps me understand Toujours better! 🙂

  10. lol…. true….
    I dont believe I need to be loved…
    and then sometimes I just look at myself in the eye in the mirror and smile “What bullshit!”

    then walk out of the house..and say…bloody sentimental jellyfish you are becoming woman! knock some sense into that head.


  11. lol…. true….
    I dont believe I need to be loved…
    and then sometimes I just look at myself in the eye in the mirror and smile “What bullshit!”

    then walk out of the house..and say…bloody sentimental jellyfish you are becoming woman! knock some sense into that head.


  12. @ Ricercer, DC, Bibs: 🙂 Thenk yew vairy much!

    @ Shreyasi: LOL….aajkal sab cheezon mein milawat hai, sivay Ideasmithy ke! *Pardon my brief moment of madness*

    @ Chronicus Skepticus: Mucho gratified! Wonly, this comment blows the cover off my ‘mysterious proposer’. 😉