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  1. I have been reading your blog for about 6 years now. Over the years, I find that your writing style has matured so much. And I notice this esp. because I haven’t read your blog in a while (not intentionally, just didn’t read any blog) Kudos.

    1. @Brad: Thank you, dear A.E. Writing reflects the person’s evolution, doesn’t it? 6 years is a long time. You’ve been with me and my blog longer than anybody else I know.

  2. Lovely.

    I wouldn’t be able to manage even a tithe of this. You might want to try creating a larger design.. this might not be too visible / recognizable as a Kolam once you wear the T.

    1. @alice-in-wonder: Try it and see! Kolams are much easier to paint than make in the traditional way. All you need is a steady hand, the thinner the brush, the steadier the hand. But you’re right about it not being as visible as a kolam on the tee. The tee was a bodyfit when it was new and I realised after painting that it was too high up (though it would be at the right place on a normal tee). It stretched out horizontally as I wore it. Thankfully the tee has stretched out a bit as well after that.