photo of a person leaning on wooden window

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  1. Hey! Your post reminded me of my bachelor days at Bombay or even when i was courting my to be wife when I used to walk miles. For those of us who are not ‘naturally thin’ it’s quite a useful thing to do. Miss that sometimes. I caught persepolis on DVD after i snatched it from the DVD delivery guy. I quite enjoyed it, especially as we were in iran when Khomeini took over. I was all of five then 😕 The only problem with eating alone which I faced in my PG days is that the portions were too big for one person. At least now I can pack it and get it home

    Kalyans last blog post..Real coffee in a coffee shop

  2. Partial RSS feed, not cool I say 🙁 Please to revert back ..

    Oh yeah, in a daily horoscope entry, my comrade had got “Today is the day to love yourself. Have a nice time with yourself hanging out alone and treating yourself a lunch.”


  3. The greatest love is to love yourself
    Btw, I think this is a repeat of a comment I wrote quite some time back ago. And u did not agree. 🙂

    Ranjans last blog post..Personal Finance Workshops: The 6 modules

  4. The greatest love is to love yourself
    Btw, I think this is a repeat of a comment I wrote quite some time back ago. And u did not agree. 🙂