Digital World

The internet and everything it has changed, wrecked, impacted, overthrown, empowered and otherwise touched in our lives. Online communities, self-publishing, blogging, social media, apps, gaming – how these transform who we are. Also my work in this field.

  Opening WordCamp Mumbai 2014 With A Snapshot of Digitalia
Digital World | WorkSpace

Opening WordCamp Mumbai 2014 With A Snapshot of Digitalia

I attended my first WordCamp over the weekend. I also had the privilege of opening the event with the first talk. WordCamp is an informal conference that brings together the WordPress community – developers, designers, consultants and users. It is organised locally and happens in 172 cities around the world,…

Digital World | Fiction


#Ideastory is a tag that I use to post 140 character story bits onto Twitter. My mood was Strangelove today and here are the tales I told: ~O~O~O~O~O~O~ I’m tired of romance, she says, it’s what men use to bribe me into bed.Fine, he says, wanna fuck then eat the…