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  1. You write with a strength to openly show your vulnerability. Its touching to read it, as well as you sound like you have maturely grown out of it. I love your writing and the content. Touching upon one of the most sensitive things women are thinking about all the time.

    1. @Sneha: Thank you very much, for your mail and for the comment! Maturity is an ongoing process, isn’t it? I don’t know if I’ve grown out of those experiences. It feels like every time I take out those memories and examine them, there’s something new I discover. It’s a personally gratifying thing though, to be able to share those thoughts and know there are people who understand and empathize.

  2. Great post 🙂 I had written something slightly in context with what you have written here- about women having to wax, look beautiful and slim all the time and men can be as hairy or ugly as they want to be. Then again, who’s to decide what ugly is?

    And beauty is only skin deep.
    .-= Anu´s last blog ..Hola! =-.

    1. @Anubha: That is true but only too easy to forget. And when people do, it becomes a larger-than-life (pun unintended) problem.

    1. @Rehab: I remember reading your post and now that you mention it, I realize it was one of the factors that contributed to my wanting to write this post. Well-done and thank you!