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  1. @ Rambler: You should see my friend with smoke pouring out of her ears when someone says this! And why I think so – like I said, I’ve seen too many people who get by on their looks and don’t feel the need to cultivate anything else. It is a stereotype but well, it’s true for a lot of people!

    @ Jason: I thought of that after posting it. But the engineer in question is actually very intelligent. In the real sense of the word as well as the academic way.

    @ FullMoonOnEarth: You lucky thing, you! You have no idea what torture it is to have to deal with so much inanity!!!

  2. I’ve somehow had friends who have been very beautiful and brainy. So if I ever chance upon a beauty WITHOUT brains I find myself puzzled and say to myself “May be she is the inspiration/reason why men think beauty and brains don’t go well”

  3. Are you talking of nerds here? I do not know how being an engineer makes one smart. There are dumb engineers too. Ask anyone. Every engineering college class has its share of specimen.

  4. haha ha Idea,, I liked the surprise on the engineer part 🙂

    btw why do you think a person who cares a lot about looks will not be intelligent?