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  1. there’s always ‘the other side of the story’, and this certainly is one! we had this guy in our building doing well as a research assistant in a univ in the US and his parents were looking for a girl for him…… and guess what? according to most people, he was just a student with an uncertain income, and hence, not a ‘good catch’!!! i really felt sorry for the chap… it didnt matter that he had a phD from IIT, but it did matter that he didnt have some fancy job at a famous company!

    1. @Anu: Yes, I can recognize that example from others I’ve seen. A lot of people still haven’t made the shift to realizing that a solid education ensures a reasonable level of employability. How the tables turn in a few years when the same person races ahead of his/her peers in the workplace, armed with that qualification! I hope that’s vindication enough for the ones who’ve been rejected earlier on.