A Bibliophile’s Guide To Mumbai
It’s January and time for all of Mumbai’s iconic events. After the Mumbai Marathon and the Mumbai Festival comes the Strand Book sale. Book lovers across the city looked forward to this annual event. This is long before the gleaming interiors of the other bookstores came into being.

Much as I love this city, I have to admit it doesn’t satisfy my raging craving for books. Mumbai isn’t a book lover’s city. There aren’t nearly as many people in this place that love books. Still, I can see the winds of change blowing over the Island. J.K. Rowling may not have added to fine literature but she did bring an entire generation of children back to books. Some adults too judging by the number of Harry Potters I’ve seen toted around on public transport.
Over these years of nosing around for good reads, I’ve developed a kind of sense for bookshops across the city. So here’s a list of the places I love because they cater to the one vice I admit to.
Landmark: Heading my list is this huge bookshop in the heart of Andheri West. You may wonder what a bookshop is doing, in the middle of “I’m so duh, but I’m beautiful, yeah” land. They must have known what they were doing since Landmark is getting a lot of recognition. It was probably set up to cater to the burgeoning suburbs’ taste for books. But now it has become the new hotspot for readers from across the city.
Landmark has two things going for it: A great collection and staff that really do know books. They’re friendly without being intrusive and always willing to assist, no matter how ludicrous the query. I was super-impressed to see that their categories included Humour, Classics, Science Fiction and Modern Fiction. All of these are usually clubbed together in certain other wannabe bookshops.
Oxford: I discovered this place rather late, inconveniently located as it is, at the other end of town. My few visits tell me that this is probably the second-best place for books in the city. I won’t wax eloquent on its interiors, the coffee shop and the multitudinous collection of books. This is the other place that has a good collection and friendly staff who actually know their books. What more does a good bookshop need?
Nalanda: This is the bookshop in the Taj hotel lobby. It is small (not in size but in terms of how many books they could have stuffed in there) but it has a reasonable collection. In the absence of Landmark and Oxford, this is where I used to buy my original, ‘good’ books.
Grand Maratha Sheraton: I haven’t visited their bookshop myself but Filmiholic tipped me off to this place, adding that,
People may roll their eyes at this, but I was quite surprised to find that the Grand Maratha, waaaaaaaaaay out by the airport (but so comfy to stay at), has a compact but well stocked bookshop, especially for anyone looking for books about India, be they fiction or non-fiction.
For example, two surprises were that they carried Sooni Taraporevala’s reissued coffeetable book on Parsis, and a massive road map/atlas of Bombay that I had called several large Crossword’s for, to no avail.
Seeing how long it takes to get there from downtown, I wouldn’t go just for the bookstore, but if one is out there for some other reason (afternoon quickie?), it’s worth popping in.
That description is supposed to be reminiscent of Meg Ryan’s place in ‘You’ve Got Mail’. Yes, Mumbai has its own answer to her store. Several, in fact. You just have to look carefully. Here are my favourite friendly neighbourhood bookshops.
The new & second-hand bookshop: The jewel of my collection of book-troves in this city, I actually have a nice little story to tell about this one. I discovered this place, entirely by mistake. One rainy, depressing afternoon, I was wandering about town, close to St.Xaviers’ college. I trundled down the filthy little lane that’s across the signal from the college’s road (that is the lane on the right of Furtado & sons, which is the place to visit if you want to pick up a musical instrument).
I don’t know quite why I was there and alone of all things, getting soaked in the rain but I know I was looking for a bookshop. Ahem…so I’m slightly mad sometimes….to go looking for a bookshop in a random corner of the city. But you know what…I actually found it! A few mucky steps down that road, on the left, hidden away so you almost miss it is a little doorway with a dusty magazine rack (you know the kind that swirls around and is used to stack tourist guides in hotels and airports?). When you see that, you’ll be standing at the entrance to the New and Second-hand bookstore. Can I be corny and sing a line?
You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave….
That’s how I felt when I left the shop that day. Incidentally this first visit there, I spent over 2 hours in the shop. Imagine a dusty, high-ceiling room stacked ceiling to floor with books, pillars too…except they aren’t pillars, they’re more stacks of books. Turn the corner and try to keep from screaming if you see a little old man at the desk. That’s the person who’ll make your bill and he’s very nice.
I usually pick up a bookmark at the shop that I buy a book in and in this place, I picked two of the nondescript paper strips stamped with the shop’s name. This man looked at me for a minute and then suddenly spread out a whole lot of bookmarks on the table. I’ve never seen bookmarks like these…there was one in leather, one with a hand-painted Krishna and several other masterpieces. I looked at him ruefully and said,
They’re lovely. But I’ve spent all my money. I’ll come back next time for them, will you save them for me?
He smiled and said,
They’re for you. I can recognize a book-lover when I see one and I know these will be appreciated.
Yes, sir, I have. I’ve actually never used a single one of them, they’re just too precious a gift. And a lovely memory of a stranger who reached out to a fellow book lover, even if she was a muddy-toed, vagrant-like teenager.
Horizon: Now this isn’t a dusty, musty old shop, it is just a tiny (and I mean REALLY tiny) nook that stores books. Horizon’s charm comes from the fact that it is a book oasis bang in the middle of a busy, bustling vegetable market and a stone’s throw away from the noise & bustle of the railway line.
Get off Vileparle station (Western line) and come out on the west side. This spills you out onto a madly busy road and straight ahead, the sights and smells of the sabzi-mandi will greet you. Take a sharp turn to your left and look for a roadside magazine stall across the road (next to the corner restaurant and veggie seller). If you have sharp eyes, you’ll spot a nicely paved path leading in from next to the mag-seller. Go down there and on your left, you’ll spot Horizon. Step up and step into the wonderful world of book-browsing.
The owners are wonderfully emphatic of penniless students and generally broke people who love books. If you like looking, they won’t mind your being there…there’s even a comfortable little stool for you to perch on…tiny, in keeping with the size of the place. If you know me in person, do tell the owner….some of our conversations date back 10 years.
Book Lovers: Another one in the same genre as Horizon except this one is right at the start of Lokhandwala market (closest to Andheri station, Western line. Also very close to Infinity mall, Fame Ad labs and Lakshmi Industrial Estate). I don’t find the owner of this place as friendly as Horizon but well, maybe he just is a quiet type and after all, he and I don’t go back 10 years.
However, the people who run this place are well-informed about books and will be able to procure a copy of whatever you want if you don’t have it. Incidently they’re probably losing business to Landmark these days so they might have some good offers available. The last I heard there was a 25% off on all books….which is great, I say.
Granth: This is another Horizon-like shop further north. The first Granth was set up in a mall in Malad. Granth is another of those shops that delighted the suburban bibliophile in the late 90s, insofar used to making the trip to TOWN to buy books. Granth’s collection, while compact is diverse enough to hold interest. They’ve expanded now and have another store in Juhu. I’ve been to this new place only once and while it doesn’t compare with Landmark and Oxford, it’s definitely worth a dekko. The sweeping view next to the couch also helps.
Danai: Located in a quiet lane just off Linking Road (the one stretching from Bandra to Borivali), Danai is one of the earliest book-and-music shops in the suburbs. Their book collection is located in the basement (brightly lit though) while music is housed upstairs. Like many of the other small shops in Mumbai, small spaces make for a restricted collection. Still, they have a really good collection, catering well to certain niches like fantasy fiction, travel guides and occult/astrology.
If you aren’t averse to reading books that have already been thumbed through by other people, you’re advised to check out second-hand book-sellers across the city as well. Raddiwala is the local lingo for junkyard guys and some of these guys stock books that have been out of circulation for years. There’s a raddiwala at almost every corner of Mumbai and you’ll do well to discover your own personal recycler. Some places that I’ve noticed:
Irla Bridge: I bet most people don’t even know where Irla is. Well, Irla is the narrow stretch connecting Andheri and Vileparle west. There’s a huge, smelly gutter and the road goes over it and hence….you guessed it, it’s called Irla Bridge. Start walking down from Shoppers’ Stop, crossing a Barista on the way. Just before you reach the nulla, on the same side of the road, you’ll find a raddi-walla…..old newspaper bundles on the floor, back issues of Cosmopolitan, India Today, Business World and Debonair clipped neatly with clothes clips. If you don’t already know, that’s the standard uniform of any second-hand bookshop.
This guy has a fantastic collection that’s constantly being replenished. Watch it with his attitude though. At the risk of sounding extremely bigoted, you might swing some great deals here if you speak Gujarati and end up paying more (with a few disdainful looks thrown your way) if you don’t. If you’re willing to live with that, check it out, his collection is good. And oh, throw an insult his way for me (I’ve had a few arguments with him…). Or if you speak Gujarati, please do me a return favour for this tip and get me good bargains.
Andheri station: Come out of the second most maddening railway station in Mumbai (after Dadar) and catch your breath. Cross the road and look around for the telltale stacks of books. Did I miss something? Oh yes, I didn’t tell you east or west (Ain’t I so Bambaiyya?). Hmm, that’s because you’ll find a bookseller on either side of the track. The one on the east is a little way to the left of the station exit and across the road, right outside the bunch of shops. The one on the west sits on the pavement of S.V. Road, next to those two corridors full of shops.
Parel/Elphinstone Road railway bridge: Are we starting to sound familiar now? Ah, yes, the Mumbai Railway network seems to be running through my post with the same frequency as it does through the city. Well, I like most true Mumbaikers (so there, townies!) spend a fair bit of time on the train line so my addas are to be found on and around it.
Coming back, some people know that the Western and Central railway lines cross at Dadar station. Well, did you know that this connection continues one station further south? Parel station on the Central line and Elphinstone station on the Western line are the Siamese twins of the Mumbai rail network, connected as they are by one narrow bridge. You can even hear the announcements for one line, on the other platform.
Well, what’s the significance of that bit of trivia? The fact that there’s a damn good bookseller perched on that bridge up there. There’re usually two of them, grown-up street kid-like with all the characteristic street-smartness and Mumbaiker warmth. They’re also surprisingly well informed where books are concerned and will be able to hand you just the right books if you ask for say…a Booker winner or perhaps, a volume on hypnosis.
The ‘shop’ is just a sheet of cloth with books laid out neatly but the collection is big enough to merit a second glance. Please note here that some of the books are reprinted copies of the more expensive publications. Okay, that spells PIRACY for a lot of people, so if you have an issue with that, you’ve been forewarned.
Flora Fountain: As a book-lover in Mumbai, it is probably vital for me to make a mention of this road close to Churchgate station. True, this used to be the Mecca for us a few years back. However, with all the shops getting frequently cleared away and a lot of little ‘konas’ sprouting up in the other parts of the city, Flora just doesn’t do it anymore.
Ah…allow me to reminisce for a moment about the times when I was a penniless student and I’d spend 3 hours walking down this road and spending my hard-saved pocket money on books. I think the total I must have spent at a time on books would have been 800 bucks (top absolute tops) but I’d go home with bulging bags of cookery books (for mum), a sci-fi (for dad), mystery, self-help, thrillers (for me) and bestsellers (for all of us).
Those were the days….and somehow these days when I can walk into a brightly lit, snazzy store and snap up a load of brand-new books on my credit card….it just doesn’t feel the same. Okay, end of the nostalgia trip. Sniff sniff.
You will notice I haven’t made any mention of a certain other well-known chain that’s spread its tentacles across the city. They don’t have a particularly impressive collection unless you read only management books and the ‘faddy’ books. Their staff doesn’t appear to know anything about books and worse still, they’re openly rude and unhelpful. It is a sheer insult to a book lover’s intelligence to try and have a conversation with them. If I’m venomous it’s because I’m appalled by the lack of good service (or books) and what’s more, I now have several alternatives. So chuck the yellow-and-black guys and go out and find some real book-treasure-troves!
These then are the secrets of my bibliophile self, lovingly compiled from my lifelong love affair with books. Happy book-browsing!
A very thorough and thoughtful article Ramya. Reading this in 2023 makes one wonder how many of the places are still open. I am sure the pandemic and people moving on to e-books would’ve made a change.
Would be awesome if you could do a similar updated article on what’s new and greatest from the world of books in Mumbai. It would help bibliophile visitors and residents alike!
Thanks and cheers
Nice list!! You forgot the book sellers on the streets of Matunga though
There are also many mini libraries and second-hand book stalls there.. One good second-hand book shop cum library is next to Mysore Concerns (filter coffee shop). The smell of freshly ground coffee mixed with the smell of old books is ultimate bliss. Also, you should stop telling people about the Parel-Elphinstone bridge. I stay at Elphinstone road and love the fact that the crowd starts coming in the train from Dadar (when I’m travelling towards Borivili) and not from Elphinstone. I atleast get a place to sit in the train.. If more people start changing railway lines from Elphinstone, I will lose my seat
Already, the numbers have increased.. 
Great post!
Totally agree with you about the Black and Yellow buggers, they’re like Fox Books to Bombay’s ‘shops around the corner’.
.-= Paritosh Joshi´s last blog ..I’m sailing on the seas of fate… =-.
@Paritosh: Completely avoidable.
I have mapped a few bookshops in Mumbai here
Please go through it.
.-= Amit Dhakulkar´s last blog ..Candy Shops for Bibliophiles 3 =-.
@ ??!: Will do when I’m that side of town next. But no, I never knew about the other floor…more missed opportunities!
@ greekalphabet: Of course. But I wasn’t impressed with their collection.
@ Rada: Ah, another loyalist! I haven’t been able to visit the place in ages though…I really hope they’re still up and running!
The New and Second Hand Bookshop at Dhobi-Talao!
Before entering, I used to gulp down an ati-histamine tablet, so dusty was the place!
Good to know it still exists!
Great post, btw..
Rada’s last blog post..Paris Diary: 1
I love people at Landmark. few days back i was hunting for the book my jean paul sartre. and i finally found at landmark, after 3 hours of searching around, where along with my friend, almost 5 more people from staff were helping us out.
i agree that mumbai is not a place for readers, but well at least i am happy there are people like u and me are around.
been to the prithvi book shop? quaint little place – a little away from the hustle of the city. I am sure u love it..dontcha?
You should check-out Smoker’s Corner, although the quality varies now. Right down the end of the Bombay Store road.
Also, did you ever visit the little room on the mezzanine of New&Secondhand? That’s where all the real gems are hidden.