55 Words: As Beautiful As Sin
Sitting cross-legged in the dark on the balcony
Uncharacteristically, enjoying the rain outside
Late in meeting a ‘no-future’ boyfriend she wouldn’t see for a week
He’d parted with his longtime girlfriend. Again
It wouldn’t ever be more possible or less tempting
I’ve to leave
Try not to go
Forget the first word
Secrets cause no casualties.
My secrets kill me all the time. It is like the Cross that I bear and cannot get rid of.
So very beautiful!!!! (wy enthusiasm prevents me from being happy with just one exclamation mark)
“Secrets cause no casualties” – except to oneself perhaps…
Loved loved it!! Secrets cause no casualities. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Temptation,inaction, more temptation,action, feeling of ‘no purpose’ is such a vicious circle…add to it the emotional drain!