Smiling At Sad
What is the experience of being sad really like? We never truly look at sadness. We turn away, with distractions. We attack it with rageful logic. We even edit its existence in facial expressions.
And yet, how can an emotion be small enough to fit a compartment of time, words or body? I feel like I’m too big for this life, this mood, this body.
We let success feelings soar & even those we weaponise to hurt others that feel different and capitalise like it’s possible to hoard emotions. Or anything else for that matter. And under it all, sadness grows.
Our feelings are liquid. They mingle & sometimes they stain. But they also evaporate as often as they rain. Why deny the shower or pretend at sunlight?
In the deluge, grows grass & weeds & the insects come as do the rainbows. We stand together in the rain but we are wet alone. It will pass.
How about holding sadness, the way we hold joy? Lightly, respectfully & without fear or clinging? What lessons do its exquisite depths carry? What does this mirror show us about ourselves?
A shadow is an alter- reflection, a dance with darkness like the reflection is a play with light. The negative space we create, by being. It says as much about us as all other illusions do – with a kindness that reality can’t manage.
Be kind. Be gentle. Be you.