Being The Story
I ran into someone who last saw me before I went through the biggest war of my life. I had to think about how to tell my story.
I ran into someone who last saw me before I went through the biggest war of my life. I had to think about how to tell my story.
I have been a fan of the romcom since it became possible for me to choose what to watch. Now, I find myself wincing during rewatches.
This December I passed a milestone in my life and quit alcohol altogether. I am part of a culture that has mixed messages about alcohol & gender.
I follow this blog-in-Facebook-updates called LABYRINTHS. Its picture-stories trigger off ideas, feelings and on occasion, memories. Today’s story is titled The IVORY BOOK CLUB and is a conversation between two people about the quality of literature. It felt like an instant frame capture from my own life and here’s what…
I met someone. And in the space of a week, went through relief, connection, amusement, amazement, entertainment, surprise, confusion, irritation and goodbye.
February brought a lot of gifts and a lot of lessons. Hear that, 2017? Lessons don’t all have to be hard and suffering-riddled. Well, perhaps not true.
The month of love is almost at end and I’ve managed to not even look at this blog. That characterises how I’ve been. I have been very busy doing things I’m generally known for (writing, performing, organising, scheduling, worrying) and spending nothing at all on things that I am. I never…
Shamir Reuben, popular poet & head of content at Kommune was accused of soliciting nude pictures from an underage woman.
SXonomics was covered in LA-based publications GirlTalkHQ.
Glee actor Mark Salling was found dead a few hours earlier. There have been a slew of ‘He deserved it’ messages online.