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  1. i can relate to it!!! i myself am looking 4 an answer to the question of y i still love the man who never loved me ?? he who realized too late he wasnt in love with me….

  2. i wonder…
    if it helps create something beautiful, i think not.
    but then,
    somethings are better unuttered, thats makes them to real.
    u have an email id?

  3. okay. and now u’ve password protected some beautiful posts. Isnt it funny how sometimes the most beautiful things come out of something sad. A forest fire is a beautiful sight…

  4. @ Ravi: He didn’t feel that way about me so that’s not going to happen. I don’t hate him. The hatred guy is a different person and no, I don’t think I’ll ever stop hating him.

    @ Julie: Well, right or not, no one will ever be HIM. But who knows?

  5. You’ll get over him. He’s not right for you – because the one that’s right for you will adore you. And when you meet the person who adores you, you’ll wonder why you ever even liked him in the first place.

  6. :). I don’t think you will ever get over him. It happens once – the losing of your fort. And only to the first person. Every other person is just so ineffective.

    Ego is great – but after seven years, you will realize how much you both like each other, and ego will be not that great ehn. And maybe it will be too late then. Think of it – a soulmate is worth it for life. I lost my hatred after seven years – and it has just left me with a lot questions unanswered. Will I get a companion with whom I live never be lonely? Do you think you will find someone better – or someone similar?

  7. @ Appu: I didn’t take either of them for granted. But I’ve been steeling myself to take the ones who came after for granted. Defense mechanisms have to work.

    @ n: I took it off because I changed my mind about it. And damn…its one of the ones that got read! 😀

  8. you removed the post. titled ‘play time’ but i still read it on bloglines. and ur so right..what i think are my best posts never get commented upon, or the point is missed entirely. the location of the bridge becomes more important that the feeling it evoked. such is life 😀