gone with the wind

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  1. I have recently started reading your blogs n somehow i am also inspired to start writing a blog.. thank u v much for this …

  2. so strange treading this post today on your blog! last night i was there and today i was reading this – which feels like a postcard from up the road …

  3. I just learn so much with each post you write, each haiku you pen down and with each picture you take of the city. Thank you.

  4. Of all the things that you mentioned in your list I’d say that your one real find has been the best friend. The others will come and go. Success, adulation, respect are all quite temporary these days. You’re only good as long as you deliver. Woe betide if you ever mess up.
    But the best friend will be there come hail or sunshine.
    You don’t know how lucky you are… .

  5. I’ve read the archives and you remind me of me. The me who’s still around in parts, just that our lives aren’t anywhere close wrt how they’ve panned.

    I’d never cry over a man again.
    Yeah, me too. Am on empty now, flooded the place out over the last few months.

    radss last idea: miley sur mera tumhara

  6. Nice one…

    You said you started penning since you were 4. Thats a wow! That explains your current status wrt writing 🙂

    About the friend, the soul sister with whom you had fights n parted to be together again, well, I wish I had such a friend. Or maybe I do who isn’t talking now – err, then there could be so many. In any case, its a nice story thats ends in smiles – cheers to the years of that friendship you’ve had.

    called up people and asked, “Why don’t you ever call me?” – you say that you’ve haven’t had to initiate a conversation in few years – well, you’re lucky!

    1. @Prasoon: Perhaps I shouldn’t have said ‘pen’ since I’m sure I didn’t write with pen then. But I’m told I was often found singing to myself while playing with my toys. And yes, I know what you mean about the soul-friend. In some cases you just ‘know’, in some cases it takes time. :-p

      @rads: That’s profound. Tell me more?

      @rakhi: I agree, truly. And yes, I do know how lucky I am. She lives in another city and has a busy life – husband, career, in-laws etc while I have my own share of busybee-ness. Every moment we share together, even if it is only on the phone has to be stolen away and is savoured.

  7. Its uncanny how I have been reading you for so long, yet it was the 30 diaries which made me idenfity so many things with you. Maybe its the turning 30 year, or the fact that I made a life plan ages ago, and nothing went as per plan, plus how I am not working now, and dont want to, for I dont know how long.

    Also you seem to be someone I want to ask this to – how do I help a friend who is in a emotionally abusive relationship, I seem to be getting judgemental, being angry and cold coz she won’t listen, I want to care, and I want to respect their marriage and not interfere. Just thought I will ask 🙂

    Great reading you!

    1. @menagerie: That’s insightful. I guess my blog has grown along with me too. I’m going to take your question over to gmail, I’ll send you something soon.

      @Ms Taggart: Crying over anyone or anything is both realistic and unnecessary, depending on how you see it. I say if you feel it, better out than in. Time heals all.