Things I Wrote At Sea
Yes, I did think of the world that makes home – friends, blog, work, people – a lot. I promised myself I wouldn’t blog or worry or stress or do any of the things I normally do, while on vacation. But two measly days in, I found myself reaching for my pen and notebook. I couldn’t help it any more than I could help thinking, I realized. When I stop writing, I’ll stop being. So here goes nothing – my scribbles from my two weeks away and at sea. There’s a lot more where that came from. Thank you so much for reading.
It is the knowledge that you have someplace to come back to, that makes traveling delightful.
Does distance really make the heart grow fonder? If you care for someone, aren’t they in your thoughts, often, alive and well? And conversations and meetings are just taping sessions for records that may be played over and over again for years and years.
Romance has been lost, this is true. Waiting as a concept exists no more. There are no long, yearning waits for people long absent. There aren’t any waits for news, patience the only alternative to insanity in a world of dangers and no returns. We don’t wait for letters to be delivered, for people to come back or even long-distance calls to be put through. Everything is available, yesterday. And there’s nothing left to wait for. Isn’t that supposed to signify the end of life?
Two men flirted with me today. A Greek, suave, confident and smooth – conversing easily without slicking it and holding my interest in his gaze. And a Turk with a broad smile and a mischievous wink, his intentions perfectly clear, his gaze entirely appreciative.
I was wearing shorts. So my body draws attention. I love it myself but my face leaves me short. Never mind, I’ve gotten used to thinking that my assets lie elsewhere. But when they change, stay assets no more, what will I do? Will I remember my own adage that there’s no greater beauty than a body that can perform every function that it was designed to? Legs that hold me and carry me places. Hands and fingers that do…so much. Eyes that see, read – the most wonderous gift of all. A body that runs near perfectly requiring little aid and only some care.
I stay beautiful as long as I can do all that. And as long as I can remember that.
Sometimes it is nice to just be by yourself, not because you don’t like other people but simply to experience yourself every now and then and see what other people see…and what they don’t.
What bonds people together? A common need – like vegetarians huddling together on this adventure of non-vegetarians? Or a shared past – classmates, colleagues, neighbors, playmates? Shared interests like books, music, photography, wine, travel? Similar demographics – neighbors, religious communities, parents of school-going children? And yet we labour under the delusion that relationships are about compatibility or love.
It seems like we select the most convenient people we can and mold ourselves to fit the association. Human beings are enormously flexible.

its being away that gives meaning to coming was a good read… have been reading ur blog for a while and i enjoy it…
iyas last blog post..Karwa Chauth in Bangalore
i loved the thoughts…esp the last two…
wow.. Nicely written… Am sure you had a nice time too..
N yes, I agree to the point – the concept of waiting is lost somewhere and so is the importance of conversations and letters. Even emails will lose their place soon and instead we’ll all talk using SMS and im :-/
prasoons last blog post..A Red Letter Day
This was very lovely. How did you prevent yourself from writing a post a day (or more) when you were there?
And oh, update the blog url link, please.
Dreamcatchers last blog post..So tell me
I think distance makes the heart grow fonder…Coming back to the homeland is blissful

Nice thoughts
Meiras last blog post..Diwali Ideas?
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Welcome back and thanks for a good read
Welcome back.. just noticed you on twitter.. and an amazing post to mark a return… And I truly believe that we aught to revert to a world, where there will be long mails to read from, kids will still be collecting stamps and coins, phone calls will be phone calls, expensive but special.. If only I had a time-turner…
Shantanus last blog post..Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince