water drop photo

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  1. @ Asmita: Yes, I didn’t touch on that aspect but a lot of us also know that peculiar situation of timing our daily schedules around the water availability. Running water was the most important event of the day.

  2. We used to live in DDA flats where we would get water for couple of hrs in morning and evening. Our Outings etc were timed so that we could be back home to fill water. Its been almost 12 yrs since we shifted to a flat with 24 hrs running water, courtesy borewell and pumps, but the rush/the feeling of joy I feel when water flows on opening the tap has not yet subsided.

    It another matter that our help does not recognise the need to conserve water even though she faces immense hardship wrt lack of water almost everyday at her own home! No amount of logic, pleading etc has helped to change her attitude towards water wastage. After all she wasn’t asked to “pay” for water wasted. Gah! The attitude sucks.

  3. @ vetrimagal: We take for granted that which we’ve never had to struggle for, don’t we? At least those of us who’ve experienced it at some point can make other people conscious of it. And hey, do drop me a note with your link when you start posting, I’d be happy to check it out!

    @ Vijay: I’ve mailed you, do check.

    @ Melody: And more power to counting our real blessings!

  4. Nice one smithy… I think the old agage that one doesn’t truly realise what one has till one loses it works well here; though I’ve always been into water conservation – it took me a broken pipe & no water for 3 days – to fully appreciate the value of running water whenever I want it!

    Melody’s last blog post..So, let’s start with Husky!

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  6. Well said. It has become a luxury over the years. In USA, I used to feel bad to waste the pure water remembering the daily struggles to tap the water from underground pit.

    A little saving by everyone can go a long way. The older generation did not care to educate or follow water conservation. I am glad the younger ones are taking so much interest.

    I dont’ write much on my blog, but plan to do so soon 🙂


  7. The acute importance of water cannot be recognized till you are left robbed of it, even for a few short hours.
    And yet, the moment our tanks get refilled, our taps start running full, we forget how we scrimped on it, how we saved it just a short while ago.
    Most of us dont realize it, but water has already shifted status from necessity to luxury, or more accurately a necessary luxury

    ‘nonnymous’s last blog post..Who is me?

  8. @ rambler: That’s appalling. What’s the point in all the other luxuries when the basic necessities stay elusive?

    @ arzan: Thank you! And yes, I remember the Liril ad too and thinking that it had to the ultimate cool experience (cool by temperature and not as a measure of trendiness)!

    @ Banno: Yes, it helps to remember how much we have in comparison to how little a lot of people have.

  9. Really good post. Water is so precious, and it always appalls me how
    easily so many of us take it for granted. All of us need to do our bit
    to consume less.

    Banno’s last blog post..The Poets

  10. U know what….as a kid i also remember….seeing the Lyril lady singing under the waterfall…..and ….forget the pre-teen naughty thoughts…what I always thought cool was how cool is she to have a bath under everflowing water.

    arZan’s last blog post..Let’s Talk About Sex

  11. we still continue to get water once in two days..and its a pain “Catching” watr early in the morning..some how paying for the mineral water, and huge cans of them for drinking purpose is not easily acceptable in the middle class families

    rambler’s last blog post..A lovely Quote and a tag