Relationship complicated

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  1. If we were to use our intuition well it will be easy for us to understand if we love someone. If we have faith and confidence in ourselves we will be able to have a clearer direciton in life. Through will power we can choose to make our relationships fulfilling and wholesome. Just as women are intuitive, expressive and faithful in love, there are many men today who are strong enough to create joy, intimacy and security in their relaitonships. If the man does not work hard at making a relationship successful while the woman is clearly trying, she will surely move on sooner or later to find someone else. It takes a two way effort to make things work.

  2. hm – I always pictured a relationship as a bond that you form with someone that you put effort into. Dependency, common interests, friends, proximity…they all are manifestations and catalysts of that bond, but not a measure. It gets complicated when you cannot put apply known social labels to the bond 🙂 Your friends definitely sound like they are casually dating.

    plus, expecting it a guy thing to say is a very old fashioned 🙂 Almost all my FB friends who have that status on are women! (all 19 of them)

  3. I’d say the couple you mention is a kind I’d love to be in with a man who willingly gives me the space I need for my own growth. I’m so glad to know that such examples do exist in this world.

  4. It really is complicated!! The two people you are talking about….only they can tell you if they are couple or not. But, sometimes, we need to keep that emotional distance with people in our lives to stay sane. Too much proximity, both physical and emotional, leads to problems, ego clashes and whatnot! Am I making sense?
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