Mad Men: How Midge in ‘SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYES’ Shaped Don’s Love Life
Before the affairs and chaos, there was Midge Daniels. Did their relationship shape Don Draper’s tragic journey through love and power?
Before the affairs and chaos, there was Midge Daniels. Did their relationship shape Don Draper’s tragic journey through love and power?
Why are married men openly partaking of mating rituals? And why are women falling for them?
Don’t we all know a guy who promises the world to every second girl, believing correctly that she’ll keep it to herself because, it still isn’t done for a girl to admit that she’s been with a guy? There is nothing to check him from repeating the same over and over again in future relationships.
It is a fact that the social environment is very different today than the one in which my parents met and started their relationship. Neither mum nor dad really have independent friend circles, let alone know too many single people of their generation. I belong to several social circuits that…
I think the world can be easily divided into two types in a lot of ways. One of them is this: Those who cheat and those who don’t.