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  1. @ Shantanu: 🙂 I guess it had gone past the stage of labelling – my singing and my life. And no, it isn’t a difficult song to sing at all!! The audience responds so well that their energy carries you through all the notes, high and low!

  2. Super! To sing Mungda Mungda in front of a college audience without being labeled…! Grand.. I’d give you the bravery award straight away.. and its a difficult song mind you.. 🙂


    Shantanus last idea: So you want my vote?

  3. This is a great post – good for you! It is about doing what you love and giving it your all and a big FU to the negative people in the world…

  4. I came in late and everybody else has already said everything on this post…my two cents: that it is such an original parallel to draw between Life and Art. I always see the former inspiring the latter and the latter taking it to a higher plane. That’s what you did here, awesome!

  5. @ Raccoon: Actually I’m not entirely sure about the date. I’d estimate late 60s/early 70s. And yeah, the drunkeness was an integral part of the sunshine moments 😉

    @ Ricercer: It took a movie to bring that out of memory.

    @ Brad, Melody, Ratz: I sound more like a bar-frog than a singer these days so will beg off..I was reminiscing about the good old days when people actually wanted to listen to me and I could keep from shattering glasses!

    @ Shub: No, actually its not. Once you kick off, the song just sort of carries you along in its mood and you don’t feel any strain at all.

  6. wow 🙂 What an amazing post, just like you Ms Smithy!

    & I second Brad. In fact, I’m thinking we should have our May blog meet at a Karaoke place? What say?!

    Hugs to you from 6000 miles away! Trust you’re doing well!

  7. Please be ready to sing this song the next time we call. Let’s just say that you can atone that way for your ‘not now – later’ response the last 10 times. 😛 No no…we needs to hear you sing!

  8. Lovely story – I am glad for you! Moments like these make so many dark days a silly thing of the past leading upto a grand finale 🙂

    It doesnt matter what people say – you know what you are – and you can kick ass when you want 🙂

  9. Mungda was from the 70s????? Damn!!!! I was in the MBA class of 99-01 and we used to play it atleast 5 times in all our parties. oof…it brings back memories of mad drunken revelry. I like the idea of a sunshine moment:)