Spec-tacularly mad
I have a weakness for men in spectacles. Quite mad for them, in fact.
Maybe I associate that with intelligence. Maybe it’s my own Electra Syndrome playing out. But every single man I’ve ever dated has worn spectacles.
Does that mean I only attract men with poor sight? Sheesh…wonders that does to my ego, but I’ll shrug that off, I only said I’m attracted to these men…those who find me attractive may be a different breed altogether (which may explain the disasters in my love life).
Let’s think…were they all near-sighted or far-sighted? Haw…my internal cynic guffaws, they were all self-sighted…with a universe that stopped a few millimetres from their noses. But seriously…I have no clue. Perhaps I should find out? Let’s see, I could probably compose a mail…
Dearly beloved Ex-
We are gathered here today to celebrate the death of a relationship that never should have been in the first place….errrm….
How are you doing? Are you as annoying as ever or have you managed to land a girl as yet? On second thoughts, don’t answer that.
Do you still wear spectacles? Or did I manage to cure you of whatever sight defects you had then? Or…horror of horrors…have you defected to those bizarre things called contact lenses? Yurrrgggh…I don’t even want to acknowledge you then, stranger.
But wait, come back and tell me…were you short-sighted or long-sighted when we were together? Huh?
Only a little nostalgic,
Yes, that might get them all started on a drive to mail me to the loony bin. And then again, my madness never deterred anyone from dating me. (One guy used to introduce me as “This is Ideasmith; she’s mad.”)
I guess the bespectacled ones do like my madness. It’s probably a case of a mad professor and his beautiful alien.

Oh my!
If only I could come up with an argument like that for someone loving the rowdy thatch of hair that grows over my upper lip and manage to transplant it into brains of potential unsuspecting victims, I am sure I could get hitched more often.
Oh n I am short-sighted.
Love the split in the title post!
Its not just you. I know lots of women who find men in specs delightful. Sign of intelligence?
ah…splendidly mad Ideasmith…I have heard and then known that so much
maybe I just dont know in my own madness…