Office Capers: Practical Joker
Hmph. I’m surrounded by wise guys, Alec Smarts and evil pranksters.
Working from home for a day and when I get back, I realise my things-to-do list from 2 days earlier is still lying on my desk. As is my habit, I scan through it to see if there are any *shudder* carry-over tasks. And I’m stumped when I reach the end of the list…
14. Treat SNC and SFOS to lunch
15. Buy sweets for the whole office
I look around discreetly to see who’s giggling but the faces remain blank. So I tear it up and throw it away.
The other day I got up to get a printout and then stopped to have a chat. When I got back, my screen had turned over sideways. No kidding! The monitor was in its place, the keyboard didn’t look like it had been touched but the image on the screen was….well lying on its side. And whats worse, the mouse pointer seemed to have followed suit. Don’t even ask how I got out of that mess.
It’s a conspiracy, I tell ya! While others battle office politics, I’m waging a war with a silent practical joker.
(image courtesy ComicBooks)
@ Pensive Lawyer: God, no, thank heavens for that!
@ Crimson shimmer: Thengyu! And welcome to the Idea-smithy!
@ Rada: Oof no, I thought we outgrew those Calvin n’ Susie characters in standard three!
@ manuscrypts: No teasers. Just a joker.
@ vivek: It really happened!
@ Cynic: Please to locate instructions and tell me. The joker hasn’t surfaced as yet.
@ byker7: What does that do (I’m almost scared to ask and scareder to try it!)!
ah. yes. the old ctrl-alt-[arrow] gimmick. nostalgia. such nostalgia.
byker7s last blog post..Nailed
i had that screen go bonkers on me once. i had even figured how to do it for future use. but i forgot:( please to locate practical joker and take demo.
Cynic in Wonderlands last blog post..Cynic’s Tools for the corporate trade.
(makes a quick note of the pranks and thinks about whom he could pull them on)
was it really a joke..or something more then tht..
nways it was great meeting u too..
catch u on twitter..
viveks last blog post..The 20 Something who is "OFF CONSUMPTION"
must be a teaser campaign for ‘the dark knight’… meanwhile its been a while since i did all this stuff… hmmm
manuscryptss last blog post..Urban Yogi
Must be one of your numerous admirers, declaring his undying love for you in his own special way!
Surely you know what the bard has said about poets, madmen and lovers!
Radas last blog post..Nervous Bosses
Lol. I seem to be a magnet for practical jokes at the workplace. Once, the wheels on my car had been stolen and my car was left sitting on blocks. I called my boss and told her that I’d be late for work and the reason why, and walked the (luckily only) 0.75 mi from my apartment to work only to find that the wheels on my chair at work had also been removed and my chair was left sitting on blocks! Not funny!
Check out this entry for more workplace humor:
Jeeez that joker got a jolt out of me…
wuda been beta if it were sideways like your screen.
funky name btw: – gota nice ring to it`
Crimson shimmers last blog post..
Thar screen sideways thingie is so me!!!
Except, i wasn’t ever in your office now……or was i?
Pensive Lawyers last blog post..The first rains