Painful thoughts
Some people make you come to life
It’s like they make you feel so much more
And they do it by hurting you
Masochism isn’t that abnormal after all
Everyone picks their scabs and healing bruises when they are kids
Some people just carry that behaviour into their emotions as well
And then we discover gangrene and surgery
So we cut out that which causes us pain and could infect the rest of us too
Each time we feel, we pick up the knife
And whittle away tiny pieces of ourselves away
Till there’s nothing left except the memory
@ Brad: My A.E. mysteriously goes from being male to being supportive. Can these states co-exist?
@ Bibs: Yup. Splintered fragments that used to be one person called you.
@ Shreyasi: Thanks, love…I could always use one of those!
@ Alazyguy: Twist and turn in the agony. Only cancer and love can produce that state…not much different then, are they?
@ Arrchana: Thank you! It really is very heartening to know that other people feel the same way and understand.
Beautiful…have been enjoying your writing for sometime now..’It’s like they make you feel so much more
And they do it by hurting you’ I totally related to it!
Good going!!
What will you do about some things which infect you all over, but will not kill you. You can get infected for life, no cure, and all over you, every bit of you.
What will you do for such things????
A hug for you!
But arent the tiny pieces just an aggregate of all the memories because in the end thats all that remains…
“…pick up the knife and whittle away tiny pieces of ourselves…”
Call that ‘sculpting’ and think of yourself as an artist! Coz’ after all that’s what you are. There’s a point up until which you can think of the past memories and torment yourself; after that, you just write your memoirs, stash them away, and welcome the new. It’s the way of life. Choose to live it. It’s time to Ring Out. (Tennyson’s ‘Ring Out, Wild Bells’. Do Google. Do read.)