Office Spouse
Someone from the neighboring cubicle (SNC): He calls you his ‘Office spouse’?? What on earth is that? Didn’t he just get married a month back?
ME: Yeah, that’s in his personal life. An office spouse is someone you talk to, share your problems with, are friendly with, get over your day’s frustrations with..that sort of thing. A good buddy at work.
SNC: Hee hee…my buddy and my spouse do different things!
ME: Hmph. Just for your uninformed self, ‘Office Spouse’ has completely platonic, non-romantic, non-sexual connotations.
SNC: Some real-life spouses are like that!
I almost fell off my chair laughing. And ‘Office Spouse’ decided to become “Office Papa” instead and order me back to work.
Smithy? Is that you? its been ages.. How u doin? Never knew u started writing again in wordpress.. How have u been? And office spouse? Never heard of that one before i read this post!!!
this one was good!
There is a definte sexual spark also involved in the ‘Office Spouse’ relation as per definition. But who cares. As long as u share the healthy relation its a boon.